Billionaire’s bride episode 17 & 18 – Dapalace (2024)



Aiden POV ?

I got up noon after slee-ping late, the thought of Gold now trusting me made me grin. I was still in wonderland when I smelt something burnt. I got down from my be-d and traced the aroma to the kitchen. I kicked the door down to see Gold with kitchen gloves as she carefully carried the fry pan from the cooker and discard the burnt eggs into the garbage can. She looked frustrated and I couldn’t hold my laughter.

“I can see you want to burn down the kitchen” I said as she turned in shock revea-ling her golden eyes.

“I was trying to make breakfast and now it’s lunch” she said pointing at the stack of pancakes and two glas-ses of milk. She took the tray and I followed her reluctantly to the dinning room and we both ate in a comfortable silence.

“Sorry I burnt the eggs, I was trying to make It perfect” she said chewing her food.

“It’s a hundred times more better than Jayden’s cooking that’s why Joan does the cooking last time he was asked to boil water her burnt the kitchen down in the whole process” Gold laughed as milk c@m£ shooting down her nose as I bur-st into laughter too.

“Is that how you drink milk in your planet” she was still laughing and fell on the floor.

“You started it how can someone burn down the kitchen in an attempt to boil water” she said still laughing.

“Well that’s Jayden for you” I said.
After a fit of laughter she took the plates to the kitchen while I went to the living room and sat down to watch TV but gold snatched the remote from my hands.

“You always watch TV, can’t we do something new for a change”

“Like what” I asked

“Maybe we go watch that new movie Silent killer at the theater, Jayden has been talking about it since it c@m£ out”.

“Okay Maybe after that we can take a tour round the city” I said

“I’ll like that, I’m going to change” she said and ran to her room like a kid.


I was glancing throu-gh my phone until gold walked in. I dropped my phone to see Gold slaying in a casual outfit.
She wore a crop t©p that outlined her w@!stline and a baggy jeans ma-king her look like a bad as-s.

“How do I look” she asked nervously

“You look amazing” I said as she looked up to me and giggled.

“You really think it’s not bad”

“At least it’s not red” I said and she g@sped

“What do you mean?” She asked confused.

“You don’t nee-d to know yet” I said sm-irking and handed her face mask.
Paparazzi are everywhere so we nee-d to blend into the crowd and I don’t want any form of disturbance while we’re out.

“So are we taking any of your car?” She asked.

“Nope we’re going to walk” I said and took her hands.

Richa-rd POV ☠️

I was sitting in my SUV waiting for the arrival of the doctor as he was being esc-rted here.

He was wearing a black mask covering his face.

“So you must be Doctor Lukas” I asked

“In the flesh” he said as he pu-ll-ed his mask down

“So am I valid for the surgery”

“I alre-ady have you booked all you nee-d to do is to sign here that you agree with the surgery” I took the paper work and got bored re-ading it and picked up my own about to sign.

“Sir shouldn’t we wait for Henry to re-ad the file before you sign it?” One of my goons spoke and I glared at him.

“Do you see Henry is late, I don’t have time re-ading one useless contract when I alre-ady know what’s in it so you better Zi-p your mouth shut.”

“But sir Henry said his wife is in labor that’s why he couldn’t come early”

“Then you’re fired for reminding me, now get out and tell Henry that he’s fired too”.

“Don’t mind him doctor where shall I sign” I turned facing the doctor.

“Here plea-se” he said and I signed the do¢v-ments

“Your surgery will be done in Australia, we’ll be in t©uçh”. He said as he exit the black SUV.

Aiden POV ?

“The movie was terrible, it was too scary and I wonder why everyone died in the end” Gold said as we c@m£ out of the theater.

“What do you expect the name of the movie alre-ady told you that everyone was going to die and besides you kept on crying on my shoulders” I said and wi-nk at her as she blus-hes in embarras-sment.

“It’s your fault you and Jayden always talk about the movie whenever he was around”

“Well be glad you get to cry shoulders for free” i said and she blu-shed the more.

“Bastard..” she said as I rolled my eyes and walked out.

“So what do you want to do??” I asked

“I want h0tdogs!” She said as she ran to the h0tdog stand.

She alre-ady ordered two and began eating before realizing she doesn’t have any money to pay.

I laughed and ordered for myself.

“Hey excuse me can I get a picture of you and your girlfriend..” a ph0togra-pher said as gold took my hands.

“Yes you can” my eyes wi-den as gold jumps on my back as I carried her like a 10 years old girl.

The ph0togra-pher snapped us in our awkward position as she got off and went to look at our picture.

“We looks like crooks” she said laughing

“Thank you and you have a beautiful girlfriend” the ph0togra-pher said and left while gold giggled.

“Come on let’s go home” I took her hands but she j£rked them off

“I don’t want to go home” she pouted.

“It’s getting late, come on Gold” I pleaded

“Okay” she said

“Thank you”

“Not until you catch me first” she said and ran in with the crowd.

“Gold I’m going to kill you if u catch you.” I could here her giggle as I tried to find her.

This is going to be a long night.




Gold POV✨

I woke up in my room yawning so ha-rd that I could swallow the room. I looked down and I was wearing shorts with one oversized bu-ttoned up shi-t I don’t recognize.

Wait someone changed my clothes oh God don’t tell me Aiden did it or he took advantage of me.

I kicked down my.door and matched straight to Aiden’s room.

“Who is it?” I heard him ask

“It’s gold I want to see you now!” I yelled.

He opened the door and shut me a devilish grin. His hair was messy than before, his hands went up straight to hair and brushed them back like an add!çtive habit.

He was wearing a black tank t©p with sweatp@n-ts as I coughed trying to focus.
Wait why was I here again?

Too late as I drooled as he leaned at the door frame glaring at me.

“You what did you to me?” I asked as my cheeks blu-shed and Aiden sh0t me a grin

“I didn’t do anything to you bye…” He said about to slam the door and I st©pped him by placing my foot to wedge the floor.

“I didn’t wear this yesterday and this shi-t doesn’t belong to me..”

“I may have changed your clothes and see some things I wasn’t supposed to see but I as-sure you I didn’t t©uçh you, besides I wasn’t the one who told you to get drun!klast night”.

“You bastard how could you change me!” I yelled at him and threw my hands in the hair but he gr@bb£d it and pu-ll-ed me against his torso and his hand made its way to my w@!st.

I gulped down foolishly as I tried to avoid eye contact with him. He pushes me against the frame as his f!nger brushes my face and traces down from my face down to my n£¢k and reached the end of my shi-t.

“My shi-t looks good” he said as he pu-ll-ed the shi-t down and revealed my shoulder line a bit and ni-bbled on my skin. I froze like I was un-der some spell.

He breathe ha-rd against me like he was holding himself back as he slowly pressed his b©dy against me as his face collided with my ear and breathe against it and whispered.

“I would love to give you a Hi-ckey…” I g@sp so ha-rd that I nearly choke on my spit. I try to protest and get him off me but his barricade against me made me weak.

“Don’t worry it’s only two bu-ttons..” he whispered as I m0@n silently.

His ton-gue brushes my skin softly as I felt his teeth devouring my skin. His f!ngersplucked out a bu-tton as air escape into my che-st.

He goes down repeating the same process as my mind was temporarily shut down and he plucks another bu-tton breathing ha-rd against my collar bone. My b©dy was there but my mind was in cloud nine.

“You know another bu-tton won’t hurt.” He said teasing me. He dangled with the third bu-tton re-ady to cut it loose and do whatever he wishes, my back was against the wall as I try to slowly respond my mouth opened but words were not able to come out as he lets go of the bu-tton.

“I think is enough for today….” He said as he lets go of the shi-t and pu-lls back the weight he had on me.

“But now you’ve got my mark and it means one thing Gold..” he said as he made his way to the door.

“Meaning…” Finally words were able to come out of mouth.

“I own you Kitty”.

The door bell rings disrupting us both as I went to get the door.
It was Lukas. He was wearing a bu-ttoned up shi-t tucked in a black skinny jeans as he pushes his hair back like Aiden.

“Lukas what are you doing here…”
I asked and quic-kly bu-ttoned up my shi-t to hide the hic-key mark that Aiden gave me.

“I was driving around town and decided to st©p by, may I come in?” He asked


“No you can’t come in, she’s busy” Aiden growled by my side as I silently thanked him for showing up.

“Oh Aiden, you’re home..”Lukas eye darted to my bandage as he took my hands and glared at Aiden.

“What happened to your hand?” He growled and he glared at Aiden as my weak attempt to cover up my hic-key failed. Lukas eyes traced to my n£¢k as he growled the more but de-ep down I could feel Aiden rejoicing that Lukas finally noticed the Hi-ckey.

“Well good bye see you at work tomorrow” he said in-between teeth as Aiden slammed the door at him.

“Finally he can stay away from you” Aiden said.

“How am I going to work tomorrow” I asked him

“Well you can go to work like that”

“I can’t go to work with a new batch of Hi-ckey, what will I say happened to me” I said frustrated

“Just tell than your b©yfri£ndgave it to you..” he grinned and laughed out while I hissed.

Lukas POV ?

I drove swiftly to my house and kicked down the door. I tried to get my mind off it but I couldn’t the fact that he was the first to mark her.

She is mine and no one else gets to mark her but me. He may have marked her but he will l@yhis hands on her while I’m alive. I’ll make sure he never t©uçhes her and when she’s far from his reach then I’ll strike.

Just wait Aiden knight, your brother just signed his deed to his death soon you will join your brother and Gold will be mine.

Joan POV ?

I was at the casino, at Aiden’s office going throu-gh Jayden’s l@pt©p as he made his way towards me.

“How is it possible that everything about Lukas is true, I’ve dug throu-gh his high school ph0tos and saw some pictures of him and gold but something is telling me that something is wrong with how he got that his success.

“What do you mean” Jayden said and c@m£ to sit close to me.

“Look he even has five different hospitals around the world and proof that he’s had no unsuccessful surgery but it’s weird that he left Gold and now all of a sudden he shows up when she lost her memory, don’t you find it suspicious” I said

“But remember gold pas-sed out and was br@in flashed and there’s no way the nurse could have been in contact with him at that time he was overseas.” Jayden have a point there.

I felt sick to my stomach as I ran down to the toilet and let everything out. I wiped out my mouth while Jayden stood by the door shocked.

There’s no point hiding it anymore.

“Are you okay?” He asked looking confused as ever.

“There’s something you should know”

“Are you having a cold or something?” He asked

“No Jayden I’m pregnant”.

To be continued.?

Billionaire’s bride episode 17 & 18 – Dapalace (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.