Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (2025)

It’s finally happening, Mario Kart 9 has been revealed alongside the Nintendo Switch 2. Fans are expecting new tracks, new characters, and of course, new items. Despite this, there are so many older items that will without a doubt be returning in Mario Kart 9. Classics like the Banana, Green Shell, Red Shell, and Spiny Shell are all but a must. However, some Mario Kart items are just not fun and need to disappear forever. These items add nothing to the game but frustration and ruined friendships, so Nintendo needs to think twice about what items it includes in its latest entry.

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Here are the seven items Nintendo needs to exclude from Mario Kart 9.


Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (1)

No one likes the Blooper. It’s not fun and not even that effective at what it does. The ink splatters are random, so sometimes it doesn’t cover enough of the screen to hinder racers. Furthermore, it really only hurts players, not the AI racers. If Nintendo wants to keep the Blooper, because it is an iconic enemy, then it should change to throwing ink splotches on the ground. These could slow down other drivers, or maybe even the player, if they drove through them. The ink splotches could have a timer and disappear after a certain time, unlike the current Blooper effect which needs to go away for good.


Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (2)

One of the worst things that could happen when grabbing an item box is getting a Coin. While Coins are helpful, they can be picked up throughout the race off the ground by driving over them. Mario Kart 8 did not need to make Coins an item. There is nothing as annoying as getting a Coin when you’re in first place. A Banana or Green Shell is always better because these can be used as shields against Red Shells and other items. Coins should absolutely be removed from Mario Kart 9 and only left as a pickup throughout the race.

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Bullet Bill

Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (3)

Bullet Bill is one of the best catch-up items in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but it takes away the fun. At least with a Star or a Mushroom, you can decide how you want to use it. Activating one of these items and using a shortcut or cutting across a patch of grass is a great way to use course knowledge and speed ahead of the competition. Using a Bullet Bill isn’t anywhere as strategic or fun. Activating this item only makes you go forward in a path you can control. Taking control away from players is never a good idea, even if it’s to their benefit.


Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (4)

Boo is another item that steals the fun in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. While taking an item from another player has its benefits, it would just be better to get a different item from the box. While it’s fun to hinder a player and take their item, the extra time between getting an item box, getting Boo, activating Boo, and waiting for the item to be stolen is precious time where a shell could destroy you or you miss a valuable shortcut. The invisibility of Boo is nice, but it doesn’t offset how slow it is and the lack of engagement compared to other items.


Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (5)

The Star is an iconic item in Mario Kart and in Mario games. But its last appearance in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is underwhelming. The amount of time it lasts is far too short, and the speed boost is so negligible, it is better to get a Mushroom. Now, the Star shouldn’t be removed from Mario Kart 9, but it certainly needs a buff. So many Mario games put stars as the penultimate item, so it needs to feel meaningful in the next Mario Kart.

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Crazy 8

Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (6)

It’s pretty unlikely Crazy 8 will return in Mario Kart 9 considering it is the signature item in Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Even as a signature item, it was kind of whelming, and leaving it behind won’t be that much of a loss. If Mario Kart 9 incorporates a unique item, which it definitely should, it needs to be more impactful than Crazy 8 was. Getting singles of the items was nice, but ultimately there were better items to get.


Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (7)

There’s nothing wrong with the Boomerang per se, but it kinda feels too similar to getting three Green Shells but worse. While it has the potential to hit two enemies on a single throw, its difficulty in aiming and slow speed make this a little harder. Comparing this to the bouncing of a Green Shell shows which is better. Even if you miss the initial throw of a green shell, the bouncing means you have multiple chances to hit a target versus the boomerang returning pass.

Mario Kart 9 has the potential to bring in new items and bring back items, but we surely hope these get left behind or revamped. Mario has numerous games and options for items, so Nintendo could easily replace these bad options with more fun ones.

Mario Kart 9 Needs to Ditch These 7 Terrible Items (2025)


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